
Wednesday 27 June 2018

Robot Rampage

Story Starter - Robot Rampage

WALT write an imaginative story using descriptive words to bring our story to life.

I know I am successful when:

  • My story has a beginning, a middle and an ending.
  • I have used 5-10 adjectives to add detail to nouns.
    • For example: As the crazy robot zigzagged into the stinking compost heap ...
  • I have used 1-2 adverbs to add detail to the verbs.
    • For example: The lawn mower zoomed angrily over the gravel path.
  • I have created a picture to represent my story.
  • I have shared my story and picture on my blog:
    • Title: Robot Rampage
    • Labels: 2018, Ruma 3, Tuhituhi, Story Starter, Robot Rampage,

The story
Hemi learns that there are problems with letting a robot do your household chores:
"Every weekend there was one job Hemi hated doing: mowing the lawns. He’d much rather be building his latest robot invention in the shed. That was it! What if Hemi could build a robot to mow the lawns?”

Task 1
You have watched the story starter video.  Based on what you have watched, describe what happens at the beginning of the story.
hemi made a robot it was cutting everyone's hair and grass people were yelling
very loud lee.

Task 2What happens next?  Tell the story as you think it happens - right up until the end. Then he woke up on his chair outside his house then he run to the rode then he seen the people running away from his robot his robot is taking the people bug’s then he went into the shed to get the remote so he can turn the robot off then he couldn't turn it off then he went outside to see his crazy robot frying in the sky then hemi said stop to his robot then the people was run in they house then hemi said come back to my shed then the robot said now then the robot went to the city then the people seen the robot then run in they house then hemi went to the city then he run in to they house and said are you OK to all of the people’s house so they doing get hurt so it was hemi and the robot hemi said later or soon come back to hemi shed ! then the robot said AAA now then hemi said yes you will then he got his goat he name it oat then oat run to the robot but the robot was frying in the sky then the robot was looking at oat then hemi said o now then the robot turned off then hemi take his robot then went back home then hemi was make his robot again but in his shed then it was the night hemi went in his house then went to sleep then it was day time then dad went  back to sleep then hemi woke up then it was sun then hemi went in to his shed to make his robot then he finish it then he went in his house the went into his dad’s room then woke up his dad then hemi said come in the shed dad then his dad went in the shed then his dad said what is this then hemi said this is my robot then dad said I feta it was a lawnmower then dad said that can do the lawns then hemi said can it then dad said yes then he was happy.